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Sailor on Horseback

"I am the sailor on horseback! Watch my dust! Oh, I shall make mistakes a-many; but watch my dreams come true...Try to dream with me my dreams of fruitful acres. Do not be a slave to an old conception. Try to realize what I am after."
  - Jack London  circa 1913

What seemed to be more important to Jack London during his last years of life, was not his writing, but his ranch. With that in mind, we have attempted to focus on his experimental farming, his home called Beauty Ranch and his life.

We have quite a few photos and photos do help make a site interesting, but we offer more than photos. To fully benefit from what is offered here, requires a little reading. Fortunately, we have Jack and Charmian London's own words to relate London's attempts to build a model farm. In several other instances, we have been able to cite those who knew him.

This site is not just a collection of links. We are striving to provide you - the visitor - with real content. Our aim is to have you return again and again, with this in mind, we will endeavor to keep our pages fresh and updated often.

Although we are not a collection of links, we have provided a links page with some very good writer's resources and for those wanting to know more about Jack London, we have selectively included links such as the U.C. Berkeley Digital Library, Jack London Collection, a very excellent and popular site.


Jack London the Visionary

Jack London once said, "I believe the soil is our greatest asset." These words are truer, in our current world, than ever before! On his ranch he pioneered in soil conservation, using tillage and terracing to make fruitful again the worn-out hillside lands. He raised prize-winning livestock and cut the biggest and best hay crops in Sonoma County. Whatever London attempted, he attempted in an all-or-nothing way, and his experimental farming methods were no different. His stepsister, Eliza Shepard, said it best.

...."Jack's ambition was to develop a model farm; one of the best all-round ranches in the state, combining a stock ranch, fruit, grain, vegetables, vineyard and the like. He would have accomplished his plan had he lived, for his enthusiasm was unquenchable. His intense energy simply rioted in work. Success seemed only to stimulate him to greater and wider efforts."

- Eliza Shepard, 1917

Read more about
Eliza Shepard

Note: Throughout the Jack London Ranch Album you will see little boxes; like the one above. We felt it was an excellent way to provide additional information of London's writings, trivia, and facts regarding his personal life etc. It allows the visitor the option to take some side roads. We would certainly appreciate feedback regarding this, or any other item concerning this website. jacklondons@yahoo.com - Webmaster

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