ack London's works have truly piqued my interests regarding his life, or maybe it was his life that piqued my interests in his works!! Anyways, during my first visit to the Jack London Historical State Park, I met the proprietor of the Jack London Research Center and Bookstore in Glen Ellen, California. The late Russ Kingman noted bookman, lecturer and author, who has been acknowledged to be one of the world's foremost authorities on the life and works of Jack London. Thanks to his willingness to share knowledge about the life of London; I became hooked. Like a drug-pusher, he would administer another dose of this most-compelling drug everytime I went by the Center!
Most of the information on this web site has come from Russ Kingman's A Pictorial Biography of Jack London. In this illustrated biography, Russ Kingman recounts the events of London's life, drawing on ten years of his research and study of original documents and letters from the author's estate, and presenting for the reader a large number of rare photographs, many of which have not appeared in print before. Russ' wife, Winifred Kingman has so graciously and unselfishly granted me permission to use his material on this website. Incidently, this book is still available at the Jack London Bookstore, Glen Ellen, California.
For order information email: Winifred Kingman Jack London Research Center.
In addition, credit for this web site must be given to my son Nathanael. He taught this senior citizen how to do html code and we spent many hours together creating this web site. I could update and post a more recent photo, but I like this one. It was one of many excursions to the London ranch for us.
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Jack London Trivia
On April 7, 1900 Jack London's first book The Son of the Wolf was published by Houghton Mifflin Co. Also, on this date Jack married Bessie May Maddern, his first wife. |
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